Thank you Hari, I feel seen. Although my distractions are not video games, they aren't far off. My experience of 'Outside' were extremely similar to yours as are my physical limitations due to chronic illness. So one again, thank you🥰

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I’m glad I could make you feel that way. It’s a funny old life, we have to use what we’ve got to make the best of it!

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Well, you can slide me into the Boomer category (75 in exactly 2 months). While I have been among the fortunate who loved nothing more than going on 8-10 mile hikes with my pup, Rufus, in the rest of my life and included in many of my own essays here on Substack, I am a fellow traveler on the 'Quit the Shaming!' bandwagon. Looking forward to your next offering. Be well, however that works for you.

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